Carrie Lemay meets her new alert dog, Freckles, in Oakville, Ontario. (The Canadian Press)

VIDEO: People with diabetes meet their alert dogs

A diabetic alert dog is trained to detect low blood sugar in people who have Type 1 diabetes

Just minutes after Carrie Lemay met her new dog, Freckles, she says the black lab starting frantically pawing and jumping up on her.

Freckles wasn’t just being disobedient — she is a diabetic alert dog, trained to detect low blood sugar in people like Lemay, who has Type 1 diabetes.

After being “alerted,” Lemay then tested and confirmed she was “low,” something that can be life-threatening for diabetics.

“When your blood sugar drops it drops fast,” the 43-year-old says. “You don’t now where you are or what to do, so your mind is kind of off in another world, so (having the dog) will really help.”

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Lemay and five other people with Type 1 diabetes met their new canine companions this week in Oakville, Ontario.

The Canadian Press

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