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WATCH: Get your scare on at the annual Zed Haunted House

The haunted house opens tonight at 6833 66th St.

Nothing will get you in the Halloween spirit like Red Deer’s ‘most fatal attraction.’

The satisfying scares continue this year at the 28th annual Zed Haunted House.

“There’s lots of little dark spaces and chills and thrills to entertain everyone in a safe and fun environment,” said John Johnston, project organizer. “The Brothers Grimm, the fairytales and witches and demons and that kind of stuff.”

Growing each year in size and scope, the haunted house is made possible with the help of 160 volunteers and roughly 8,000 volunteer hours, Johnston said. He said the spooky event wouldn’t be possible without the help of Red Deer’s business community.

All the money raised goes to the Boys and Girls Club of Red Deer & District.

“The Zed Haunted House has become a part of the culture of Red Deer at Halloween,” Johnston said. “Everyone has to go to the haunted house and check it out. The best part about it is all the funds go to support local initiatives and families and that’s why we do it.”

Open until Oct. 31st, evening shows run from 6 to 10 p.m. Weekend matinees start at 1 until 4 p.m.

The Zed Haunted House is located at 6833 66th St. It is run by the youth outreach organization, Youth HQ.