Never be afraid to embrace change

I have had the privilege of teaching Interior Design to a group of local ladies these past few months and one common thread drew us together – change.

Every woman in that room was facing change whether it was a renovation project, moving to a new home, death, divorce – it was an uplifting time to chat with all of them. I sometimes forget that my clients are facing change every time they meet with me, in fact I represent change and that may be frightening to some people.

Even when change is a good or exciting thing it can still cause a great deal of stress.

Moving to your dream home is exhilarating but the act of moving, leaving your neighbourhood and having to PACK all signify change that we may not be that interested in. The change of buying a new vehicle or a new hairstyle or even breaking in a new pair of shoes can sometimes be painful and scary and push us out of our comfort zone.

If you are consulting me as a designer this means you are going to be encountering change in your home interior and it is a fun yet stressful proposition for most people.

I meet many people who tell me that they WANT to change yet when I start suggesting and listing things to get started with they apply the brakes. Often they blame their significant others saying ‘my husband won’t let me paint that or change this or tile that’ which is an interesting response from someone who has just booked an appointment with a designer!

We are meant to change your home…it’s what we DO!

Change also represents cost, time, inconvenience and often a lot of dust. I understand that it is a lot to ask you to live with your fridge in the middle of your living room while your kitchen is torn apart but change is messy. The truth is, if change wasn’t worth it in the end I wouldn’t be designing for a living but I have seen so many lives transformed by a well thought and executed design that it keeps me passionate about my job.

To have a client say, ‘I’ve hated this room for years and have always wanted a change and NOW look at it’ gives me so much joy. There is no better feeling than helping someone achieve great change in their home or their life.

When you start the conversation with words like I think I want to paint this room you are in for change and lots of dust. I keep mentioning the dust but I truly want you to remember my words when you are finding drywall dust in your underwear drawer!

Decorating/designing is fun and rewarding but it is CHANGE! Change hurts sometimes and it may be frightening but it is so worth it, even though you may experience frustration along the way.

Please don’t be afraid of change, embrace the project you are about to embark upon and then take full credit and glory for what you have achieved. When you come to visit me, I will change and challenge your plans – guaranteed but that is a good thing as the results will be spectacular.

Kim Lewis is an interior designer in Red Deer with Carpet Colour Centre. Contact her at 403-343-7711 ext. 227 or email her at