Keeping perspective on homes during unexpected turns

Mother Nature recently unleashed a ‘mother’ of a hailstorm on Red Deer.

One minute I was sitting here peacefully composing articles and the next I felt like I was in a shooting gallery!

Plants, trees and shrubs have been julienned and spread all over my yard and I haven’t yet had the courage to go and look at my vehicle.

Thankfully no windows were broken in my home but the extent of the damage is not yet known. It’s hard not to worry when events like this happen and it’s easy to let unexpected destruction upset your day.

My beautiful flowers are completely destroyed but I am thankful that I am safe inside my little refuge.

Recently a co-worker of mine was the unfortunate victim of a house fire. This tragic happening has uprooted her and her family from their home and has forced them to move into their holiday trailer.

I was talking to her about it the other day and her perspective was amazing and very refreshing.

She said that it could have been worse if her husband had not been at home to see the fire starting and that all of her children are safe. Her attitude is that they are very lucky and are still family despite having to permanently camp all summer.

Our homes are our refuge and our shelter and anything that threatens to alter or harm our safe place can be devastating to our souls. We work so hard to make our dwellings that perfect place to land and it can feel overwhelming when the elements threaten to shake that foundation.

Our emotions go into overdrive and we worry ahead wondering what will happen now that we have been so savagely attacked at our most precious and vulnerable place. Whether it be fire, flood, pestilence or an act of violence we take the altering of our homes in a most serious and emotional way.

As I sit here typing the rain has abated and the first thing I hear are the birds singing, signifying the end of the storm.

Those tiny creatures who have no shelter except for their swaying tree branches are the first to tell us that it’s okay to come out and take inventory of what has happened and more importantly to be thankful for what we have been spared.

Walk down your street and see if any of your neighbours may need a hand with their cleanup or possibly alert them of damage to their property.

You might be that friendly face who rescues their terrified kitten out from under your vehicle where he was trapped by the storm.

I am happy to report that my vehicle is in one piece and in a few weeks I will probably see geraniums again as the new buds seem to be intact.

The momentary fear has been replaced by a warm feeling of gratitude as I sweep the hail and debris from my deck.

My home has bravely faced another storm and is standing strong to be assaulted by Mother Nature another day. For those of you facing damage from this latest deluge, I encourage you to take heart knowing that all things are fixable and the fact that you are reading this article speaks to your good fortune of opening your eyes on one more beautiful day.

Kim Meckler is an interior designer in Red Deer with Carpet Colour Centre.