Featuring several stellar local choirs, ‘Sing Into Spring’ takes place May 5th at the First Christian Reformed Church.
Performance time is 7 p.m.
Audiences will be able to take in the engaging and sweet sounds of Brioso (a children’s choir), ihana (a youth choir) and Soliloquy (a mixed adult chorus). Tickets are $20, and are available from any choir member or online at www.blackknightinn.com.
Lisa Ward overseas all of the choirs, and is thrilled for the coming performance which is following the theme of ‘home’.
“Several of the selections that I have chosen for our program are by Canadian arrangers and composers, so it’s also about celebrating our talent – our country – and with all the turmoil in the world today, I thought that I really wanted to have a concert that reflects on home. What does that mean? Almost every piece of music in one fashion or another ties into that theme, because home isn’t just about the actual physical structure that we live in. Sometimes, it’s the place where we feel like we belong,” she explained.
“And I think that in our choirs, we have built that kind of community.”
Some of the musical highlights include The Flowers That Bloom in Spring, A Children’s Rhyme Hand Jive and Everlasting Melody by Brioso; All Night, All Day, Sweetest Love and When It Comes My Turn by Soliloquy; and He Lives in You, The Lover’s Chant and Even When He Is Silent by ihana among several other favourites.
From the get-go, the performance is really about diversity. Ward said the songs touch on a number of genres as well, so ultimately there really is something for everybody. “I think there is something in there that everyone can relate to.”
Ward said that while there is an audition process for the choirs, she would encourage folks to take that step and see if it might be something they would enjoy. “It’s not set up to be exclusive, it’s set up to make sure are they coming in feeling comfortable,” she said of auditions. “It’s about making sure we have a place for everybody, and that the expectations are realistic.”
There are two auditions coming up – the first runs May 25th from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (40 Holmes St.) The second runs June 20th from 5 to 8 p.m. there as well.
Ward asks that those interested in dropping by for an audition first contact her at lisaward@me.com or csusociety@gmail.com. Auditions must be booked in advance.
As to her work with the choirs, Ward doesn’t look at it as ‘work’ at all. “I don’t feel like I am actually working. It’s like what I’m doing works through me; it’s not because of me.
“It becomes effortless at that point,” she added, pointing out that it’s certainly not challenge-free. “But I think music has enabled me for a long time to work with people who are searching for their voice. It’s a place to belong – a place to feel safe and to communicate.”
Check out www.csusreddeer.com.