Rebels rally fans to give blood

Canadian Blood Services and the Red Deer Rebels have teamed up to encourage hockey fans and Red Deer area residents to give blood in November. The “Hockey: It’s in Our Blood” campaign runs through to Nov. 30.

The Red Deer Rebels know giving blood is a meaningful way to give back to the community and they’re proud to rally fans to roll up their sleeves and save lives, organizers say. They are asking fans and Red Deer residents to take their giving spirit to the Red Deer blood donor clinic and help patients in need.

Fans who visit the Red Deer blood donor clinic in November can enter to win a Rebels prize pack with game tickets and a signed Memorial Cup alumni jersey. The Rebels will also be promoting blood donation at home games in November.

In particular they want to encourage their young fans to start giving blood. If you start young there’s a better chance you’ll keep giving throughout your life. Individuals can give blood as young as 17 years old.

Call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283) for more information or to book an appointment to donate. Folks can also book appointments online at The Red Deer blood donor clinic is located at #5, 5020-68 Street (one block west of Arby’s north).
