Portrait of former Alberta premier Jim Prentice going up at legislature

Prentice was killed in a small-plane crash outside Kelowna in the fall of 2016.

Former Alberta premier Jim Prentice will have his official portrait unveiled at the provincial legislature on Monday. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh)

Former Alberta premier Jim Prentice will have his official portrait unveiled at the provincial legislature on Monday. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh)

An official portrait of former Alberta premier Jim Prentice is to be unveiled at the provincial legislature on Monday.

Prentice was Alberta’s 16th premier when he was chosen by Progressive Conservative party members to be their leader in September 2014.

RELATED: Jim Prentice identified as one of four passengers killed in Kelowna plane crash

He lost to Rachel Notley’s NDP in an election that followed eight months later.

Prentice quit politics after the loss and was killed in a small-plane crash outside Kelowna, B.C., in the fall of 2016.

Prior to provincial politics, Prentice was a member of Parliament representing Calgary from 2004 to 2010, and eventually served in the cabinet of Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper.

Alberta has already honoured Prentice by protecting and naming a stretch of land after him in the province’s southwest.

His portrait is to be added to other former premiers’ paintings that line the hallway leading into the main floor of the debate chamber.

The Canadian Press