Central Albertans are invited to celebrate heritage preservation on June 17, when the Red Deer Heritage Preservation Committee announces the winners of the 2011 Red Deer Heritage Recognition Awards.
The ceremony, to be held at 11:30 a.m. at St. Luke’s Anglican Church, 4929 54 St., will recognize six nominees as leaders in heritage conservation and historic preservation.
This year’s nominees include City Hall park; Green Block/Artistry in Gold Building; Red Deer Public Library/Fire Hall/Armoury/Children’s Library; Hairmasters/Vickie Stoddart; the late Dr. John Tobias and the Innisfail Rail Project.
“The Heritage Preservation Committee is please to celebrate the significant contribution these nominees have made to preserve our heritage within the City of Red Deer and Central Alberta area,” said Dr. Vandy Bowyer, Heritage Preservation Committee chairperson.
Central Albertans are encouraged to attend the ceremony, which includes refreshments provided by the St. Luke’s Ladies Group.
This is the Committee’s 10th annual awards presentation.
Past recipients include the Sunnybrook Farm Museum, Red Deer Main Street Project, Harlan Hulleman, Alberta Health Services for Michener Bend, Markerville Icelandic Library, Central Alberta Historica School Fairs, the old C.P.R. Train Bridge, the Old Court House, Holy Trinity Anglican Church at Pine Lake, the Manning and Ellis/MacKenzie residences, the Parson’s House, the Cronquist House, North Cottage School, the Hamlet of Markerville, the Danish Canadian National Museum and Gardens and the Double Tree Village Museum near Spruce View.
For more information on the Heritage Preservation Awards, visit www.reddeer.ca.
– Fawcett