

Baby time mini-microscope for infertile couples

What is one of the most frustrating problems for married couples?

It’s the desperate hope of having a child when nothing happens month after month. Now, the “Baby Time Mini-Microscope Saliva Ovulation Tester” can help. It is 98% accurate in timing ovulation. There’s no better way to take Russian roulette out of sexual timing and help couples enjoy the anticipation of a new arrival.

Infertility is a problem affecting 10% of North American couples of childbearing age, an estimated six million people. Studies show that one couple in six has trouble conceiving during the first 12 months of marriage. This presents a huge emotional seesaw, particularly when many people think getting pregnant is as easy as switching on a light bulb.

Why is it so difficult for healthy couples to create a pregnancy when no medical problems are detected? It’s said that timing in life is vital. Being at the right place at the right time often makes the difference between success or failure in many aspects of life.

Timing is also critical in whether or not pregnancy occurs. A healthy female egg must mature each month, ovulate when it’s supposed to and be fertilized at the right moment. This is easier said than done when there are only 12 eggs a year and each one only survives a few hours. Becoming pregnant becomes an even greater game of chance for women with irregular periods.

Recently another obstacle has often blocked pregnancy. An increasing number of working women, who for financial or other reasons have decided to have a “Manana Pregnancy”.

But by postponing pregnancy year after year they’re also increasing the risk that the delayed offspring may never arrive. Timing of ovulation in these cases becomes even more pressing.

When despair sets in after months of failure, the search for a quick solution invariably begins. But the standard technique of daily temperature charts is a notoriously frustrating and inaccurate way of timing ovulation. Now, this time-consuming routine can be sent to the Smithsonian Institute due to a decisive discovery.

In 1945 a Romanian researcher, George Papanicolau, noticed that cervical mucus, when spread on a glass slide and left to dry, produced a fern leaf pattern. Then in 1969, Biel Cassals, a Spanish gynecologist, discovered there was a correlation between women’s hormone levels during the menstrual cycle and the amount of fern pattern in her saliva. In fact, it was identical to that seen in cervical mucus.

Later, in 1994, studies conducted at the Clinical Center in Serbia concluded that saliva ferning was as effective as cervical mucus samples or ultrasound in timing the date of ovulation.

And that by using a mini-microscope saliva ovulation test, women could distinguish between fertile and infertile days of the menstrual cycle.

So what is the Baby Time Mini-Microscope Saliva Ovulation Test? It’s a small lipstick-sized container, a fast non-invasive way that correctly forecasts time of ovulation. It has no side effects and in these trying economic times is inexpensive. It can be reused month after month.

The test is easy to use. In the morning before brushing teeth saliva is placed on a glass slide and allowed to dry for 10 minutes. The mini-microscope then magnifies the saliva 52 X to detect its pattern.

During infertile days women will notice a pattern of formless dots or pebbles in the mucus. As ovulation approaches the dots will start to be joined by a few lines. Then on the day of ovulation the full-blown fern pattern will emerge. It is very hard to miss. The test can also be used later in the day at least three hours after drinking, eating or smoking.

The mini-microscope is the ultimate answer for those who want to take the guess-work out of ovulation. It’s not intended for contraception, but can be helpful for those who do not want to use chemical contraceptive methods.

Baby Time has been used in Europe and Australia for several years. Now available in only a few areas of Canada, it costs $49.95 plus tax. But it can be purchased on the web site

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