Move on, the election has been held

I quote Keith Wyatt from the June 22, 2011 Express and Advocate letters – “the Federal Conservative Government can now be seen for what it is, a government of big business, by big business, for big business”.

This diatribe from a party sponsored by complainers, especially labour related at someone else’s cost. Mr. Wyatt does not seen to get the fact that the election has been held. Give the ink a chance to dry.

Personally, I think it is great. The majority has spoken. They are tired of being held hostage by naysayers to economic gain for the country or the people of the country.

For 54 years I have received a paycheck for work preformed and do not have entitlements paid for by someone else. One has to assume Mr. Wyatt must believe in all the entitlements as did the people of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Northern Ireland, etc. We all know how well this is going.

Enough said.

Ed Powell,

Red Deer