It’s all who you know…

It’s all who you know…

Align yourself with the best and most positive people

We have all heard the phrase that you are the average of the Top 5 people you spend the most time with.

When people first read that, they’re typically either invigorated or concerned.

You may have noticed that families who have positive habits and mindsets seem healthier, happier and like they just have it together.

Conversely, families who struggle with their health, always talk about the things that are wrong, and view life as a challenge never seem happy.

There are a few things to note here:

1. Notice how families flock together, since they are typically the people we spend the most time with. The thoughts and behaviors of one influence the others.

2. Notice the types of things they talk about, share on social media and the types of activities they engage in (or not).

3. Notice how those who are negative try to find that company that misery loves – they try to bring others down, either consciously or subconsciously.

4. Notice how it only takes one instance of self-victimization for that thought process to spread to the rest of the family.

5. Notice how it only takes a few, maybe even only one, small action that can either set an entire family in a positive or negative direction.

So, pause here … how does your family, those people you spend the most time with, impact you?

Now, I don’t want you to instantly jump into the negative direction (that’s the easy route), I want you to really think about how your family impacts your emotions and decisions.

Then, explore the other people closest to you – friends, coworkers, other family members…

Who are your top 5 friends? Top 5 Co-Workers?

Do they motivate you to achieve more or bring you down?

Do they inspire you or tear down your dreams?

Do they bring the best out of you or the worst?

Do you feel proud of the time you spend with them or do you feel regret?

I will never suggest that you should eject people from your life, but if you find that your Top 5 have lower expectations of life, think through a negative lens and constantly talk about what’s wrong or what could go wrong — you need to align yourself with others who will have the exact opposite effect.

As Tony Robbins says, “People’s lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group.”

One thing I’m extremely proud of is the positive, supportive, inspiring, and uplifting community we’ve created here at 360 Fitness. This is not just clients but with staff as well.

Now, I’m not just doing a shameless plug (well kind of) but I really want you to have “your place” and “your group” to be nothing but positive and an avenue into a good space for you. You are a by-product of your physical and emotional environment and we encourage you to relentlessly pursue a positive environment that they’ve never had before.

We truly believe that community support is everything. If that is lacking in your life, then you need to go find it. It may not come looking for you, you need to be the one to take action and attempt to better your life.

I hope this gets you thinking about aligning yourself with the best and most positive people so that you can create an environment of success for yourself.

You got this.