Tips for making your home all it can be

I have an inspirational lunch bag that I cart around with me from day to day.

It’s not a popular corporate yoga brand and I have no idea where it came from but it’s a very handy tote and it has the word BE on it in a bold white font which stands out against the bright red canvas.

It also carries the following words which I strive to BE and also use when speaking about home decor:

BE sweet – let your whimsical side out and indulge in bright colours and decorative embellishments. Don’t be afraid to use the sweet confectionary colours of pink, minty green and butter yellow in your space.

BE brilliant – always! Show off your intelligence and decorate with maps of the world and gigantic leather bound novels from your favorite author. Wonderful displays can be made with maps that are pinned with your favorite travel destinations either realized or fantasized.

BE vibrant – colour is life and there is nothing like the pure vibrancy of colour to brighten up your day. Our houses tend to be bland and there is nothing like a bright infusion of colour to lift your spirits.

BE relaxed – our home is our sanctuary, our soft place to land and wash the stress of our day off of our skin. Make sure your home provides places to recline, rest and dream.

BE clean – get rid of the clutter! One thing in, one thing out is the rule. Nothing makes you feel more refreshed than a clutter-free home. Clutter weighs down the mind and heart – you can never truly rest in a cluttered or dirty space.

BE nourished – kitchens feed our homes and our souls and have the potential to be gathering places for friends and family. Use this space to the maximum with all the gadgets and modern technology you can fit into every drawer.

BE invigorated – giant rain shower heads, chroma therapy tubs, soakers and all the fragrant delicious baths and salts will make your bathing experience the best it can be. Use various lighting options or dimmers to allow you to set the perfect mood.

BE delightful – invite your friends over to see your lovely home! Even the simplest of entertaining warms the hearts of the people in our lives. Don’t worry if your house isn’t spotless or if you haven’t put all of your laundry away, you can still have a wonderful evening of conversation and laughter.

BE exhilarated – enthusiastically care for your home, giving it the care and attention that it deserves. Keeping items in your home clean and repaired will enhance your enjoyment and will increase its longevity.

Whether you live in a lakefront dream property or are renting a room in your parents’ basement you can BE many things regarding your home. Attitude is free and we merely have to change perspective to draw the nectar out of life and to put our best face forward. The look back on life should not be filled with BE mean or BE stressed out about every little thing but should play a reel of positive memories and thoughts which put a playful smile on your face. Go forth and BE happy and content in your home.

Kim Wyse is an interior designer with Carpet Colour Centre.