Text 911 option available for speech or hearing impediments

  • Sep. 26, 2016 7:06 p.m.

Red Deerians and Central Albertans who are deaf, deafened, have hearing loss or speech impairments (communication challenged) can now communicate with 911 using mobile devices through the Text with 911 service.

How to use Text with 911:

– Individuals who are communication challenged must pre-register their mobile phone number by contacting their wireless provider directly.

– Dial 911 when you need 911. A call to 911 must always be placed first before any texting can occur.

– When a 911 call comes from a registered phone, 911 emergency dispatchers are immediately notified and can begin a texting conversation with the caller.

Text with 911 is only available for people who are communication challenged and in communities where 911 communications centres have upgraded their infrastructure. The Red Deer 911 Emergency Communication Centre is the fourth centre to offer this service in Alberta, and will continue to support callers with TDD or TTY devices.

The Red Deer 911 Emergency Communications Centre provides 911 call answer services and emergency agency dispatch services for municipalities in the Central Alberta region. All municipalities in the counties of Clearwater, Ponoka, Lacombe, Red Deer, Mountain View, Stettler, Kneehill, Starland, Newell, M.D. 34, M.D. of Acadia, Special Area 2, Special Area 3 and The City of Airdrie.

– Fawcett