CMHA releases survey to improve mental health services

CMHA releases survey to improve mental health services

Red Deerians can weigh in on issues important to them

The Canadian Mental Health Association Central Alberta (CMHA) is starting their Speak up for Mental Health campaign with a survey to gather information on how mental health and wellness education may look in coming years.

The survey, which can be found at, looks into four areas: relationships and communication; mental health services and treatment; workplace mental health; and mental health recovery and wellness. Respondents can choose to answer any or all of the parts depending on its importance to their lives.

“One of those parts may be more relevant or of interest to you,” CMHA Manager of Programs Theresa Therriault said. “From that, we will spend time doing analysis and developing a report that will hopefully create direction for us. It will help inform new programming and new planning around programming.

“It will also help us know where to spend our money and also inform us on who we need to reach out to.”

Therriault said CMHA has not done a survey since seven years ago.

“The idea is to acknowledge how much has changed,” she said. “We have a lot of diversity in our community and we are recognizing there is a lot of innovative ways that mental health and wellness education can be delivered. We want to hear from people to know what is important to them; what they would attend when it comes to courses and workshops; whether we can revamp existing offerings; and whether we can develop new things that will be more responsive and meet the needs of people.”

A press release from CMHA explained that the survey will help “create new educational programs that are responsive to community needs and that reflect the best of the innovative and well-tested educational programs that are available.”

The survey is intended to encompass all of Central Alberta and not just simply Red Deer.

“The only way we can reach the needs of the community is by hearing from people,” she said. “We are looking at who is using the service and who in the community in terms of people and service providers can give us some input.

“It is an opportunity to speak up and have their voices heard and then we can listen carefully and respond accordingly.”

A paper copy of the survey can be sent to you by contacting 403-342-2266.