A world of vibrant colour

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. I have recently been charmed and welcomed by St. Johns, Newfoundland and have returned invigorated and refreshed. It is a beautiful part of Canada that I have always wanted to see and I am so glad that I was able to spend quality time with my best girlfriend who has lived there for the past several years.

People have asked, what was your favourite part? I can say with confidence that my favourite part was the colours. The colours of Newfoundland are breathtaking. From the jeweled sapphire of the ocean to the brilliant candy coated houses, it is a place of vibrant hues. Nature is predominant and the landscape is energized with the green of new leaves which sit amongst the large grey rocks. It gave me inspiration for a new colour palette of deep charcoal, vivid green and pale blue – is someone out there interested in a gorgeous new interior?

The core of St. Johns captured my heart. The oldest English settlement in North America, this city is a combination of new development versus time honoured architecture and history. The landscape rises from the harbour front as you see layer upon layer of brilliantly coloured row houses winking at you from above. Shades and hues we would never dream of putting on the exterior of our homes are as common as all the beige siding in my neighbourhood. Although one home being built across the street from me has chosen red for their exterior. I think I actually cheered.

It takes seeing an entire city lit up with colour to make me realize that for too long I have been playing it safe with design. The effects of colour on the soul are scientifically proven to improve our way of living and I have been inspired to use more colour in my design. There is a definite advantage to using more colour in our homes as it makes us unique from everyone else and it gives us a chance to let our personalities shine.

Walking the streets of St. Johns energized and excited me in ways I had forgotten and I’m sure it was the effects of the colourful homes. Even the smallest, poorest homes were cheery and bright. It wasn’t about the square footage or about perfectly manicured lawns (many homes didn’t even have front lawns) but about the colours that I believe reflected the personality of the home owners who resided there. Imagine coming home to a bubble gum pink exterior, it would be like your birthday every day.

I was happy to hear that orange is the colour of the season for fashion and as orange is my favourite colour, I bought a bright orange purse to be in style. What about this electric colour on your front door? A new leather sofa or curtains to pop out some colour in your home? I don’t expect anyone will dash out and paint their entire house orange, but if you do please let me know I’d love to see it.

It’s time to get energized with colour, bright and in your face boldness in your home. Choose a hue that makes your heart rate speed and you will enjoy your new selection until you come upon the next favourite colour to embrace.

Kim Lewis is an interior designer in Red Deer with Carpet Colour Centre. Contact her at 403-343-7711 ext. 227 or email her at klewis@carpetcolourcentre.com.