A nutritional approach to fighting hair loss

If you’re someone who’s been finding that you’re dealing with hair loss, there’s no question that you may be feeling slightly frustrated about the situation. Hair loss is something that will impact some people to larger extents than others and unfortunately is a process that can occur naturally with aging.

But, that said, this doesn’t mean there’s nothing that you can do to prevent the hair loss. By taking a smart approach to your nutritional intake each day, you can help prevent further problems with this issue.

Let’s take a look at what you need to know.

Maintain a good calorie intake

The very first thing that you’ll want to make sure you’re doing is keeping your calorie intake up where it needs to be. Those who are going on very low calorie diets for the purpose of fat loss or anything related are much more at risk of suffering from hair loss.

The average individual will need at least 12 calories per pound of bodyweight to provide sufficient vitamins, minerals, and energy, so try and keep your calories up around that point or higher.

If you are on a fat loss diet then at least you’re aware of the fact this can be a side effect but even then, be careful of going too low with the calorie intake. The longer you stay at a very low calorie intake, the more serious this problem will become.

Alternating between periods of fat loss and weight maintenance will be your best bet to prevent it.

Keep your iron intake up

Next, also make sure that you’re keeping your iron intake up. Not getting enough heme iron through the diet, which is the type of iron that’s found most concentrated in red meat sources, can also promote the loss of hair.

While many people shy away from red meat when they’re trying to get lean, remember that one or two servings each week as long as you are choosing lean forms will definitely not hinder you.

If you absolutely cannot have red meat then look into a good iron supplement instead.

Get enough healthy fats

Finally, the last thing that you must do is make sure that you take in enough healthy fats. Healthy fats are a requirement to promote optimal health and will help to keep your hair healthy and full of shine.

Good sources of healthy fats include flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts and nut butter, as well as all types of seeds.

You definitely do need to watch portion sizes on the healthy fats since the calories will add up but as long as you do so, you should have no problem incorporating these into your meal plan.

So there you have the key things that you must know to prevent hair loss from a nutritional perspective. If you make use of these tips immediately, you should start to notice a difference in a few short weeks.

Cabel McElderry is the director of One-to-1 Fitness in Red Deer. He can be reached at 403-341-4041. Also check out www.personaltrainingreddeer.com for more information.